Carson City Historical Society
The Carson City Historical Society (EIN 94-2565777) is located at the Foreman-Roberts
House Museum, 1207 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada.
Our mailing address is PO Box 1864, Carson City, NV 89702-1864.
The Carson City Historical Society is a nonprofit organization
that operates and maintains the Foreman-Roberts House Museum.
Carson City Historical Society - Home Page
Historical Society Presents Mark Twain's Birthday
Book Sale and Authors' Event
Saturday, November 30, 2024
In honor of Mark Twain's 189th birthday the Carson City Historical Society (CCHS) is
proud to present an authors' event Twain would be proud of. It is a book sale and authors'
event in the Carriage House, behind the Foreman-Roberts House Museum.
The event is Saturday, November 30, 2024, from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 1207 N. Carson
Street in Carson City. Northern Nevada authors Bill Brown, Janice Oberding, Stephen Provost,
Sharon Provost, and Andrea Smuts will be available to discuss their work, sign and
sell their books, and honor Mr. Twain.
Bill Brown is an Emmy Award-winning retired local TV anchorman who writes numerous
books in the horror and science fiction genres. He currently lives in northern Nevada.
Stephen H. Provost is a novelist and author of historical nonfiction, editor, columnist,
copywriter, reporter, and photographer. He writes non-fiction, horror, and science fiction
literature and is a frequent lecturer on several topics. Stephen's wife, Sharon Provost,
writes horror literature. Andrea Smutz is known for her western novels. Janice Oberding,
one of the organizers of the event and a member of the CCHS Board of Directors, writes
paranormal, non-fiction, true crime, and history murder mysteries. According to Amazon,
she is "the author of more than 30 books on topics ranging from ghosts to true crime to
history, the strange and unusual, and mystery. She writes both non-fiction and fiction.
Raised in California and Nevada, much of her work is focused on the two states."
Complimentary birthday cake and tea will be served. The event is free. For further
information contact David Bugli at 775-720-1741 or Janice Oberding at 775-846-2331.
CCHS lectures and other events are held periodically in the Carriage House. Information
about Carson City Historical Society events can be found at CCHistorical.org. For
further information about CCHS events, email carsoncityhistoricalsociety@gmail.com.
Photo: Photo of authors Bill Brown, Susan & Stephen Provost, Andrea Smutz,
and Janice Oberding.
Carson City Historical Society Christmas Party
Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024
The Carson City Historical Society is having their annual Christmas Party, Sunday,
December 8, 2024, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Carriage House behind the Foreman-Roberts
House at 1207 North Carson St., Carson City. David & Gayle Woodruff will present their
popular "Reflections on Bonanza" slide show on the famous TV characters, the Cartwrights.
The Party is only open to CCHS members and their guests, and will be a potluck event.
The Society will provide a main dish. There will also be singing of Christmas Carols and
maybe another tune or two.
Tickets are $25.00 per person (Society members and non-members). Space is limited.
You may register and pay by credit card at CCHistorical.org (See blue "Buy now" button, below).
There will be no payment
at the door. Attendees must pay online at CCHistorical.org, send a check to CCHS
(PO Box 1864, Carson City, NV 89702), or contact Liz at 775-315-9111 to arrange payment
in person by the RSVP date, Dec. 4. To make reservations and/or indicate what side dish
you will be bringing, call Liz.
The event will also serve as the Annual Meeting for CCHS. There will be induction of
Board members and officers. Election ballots have been sent by USPS to CCHS members and
must be returned by Nov. 23, 2024, to be counted.
Dec. 8, 2024
Christmas Party
Your receipt is your ticket
Buy now
Photo: David & Gayle Woodruff shown in a presentation on George Whittell, Lake
Tahoe eccentric.
Sugarplum Victorian Home Tour
Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024
The Carson City Historical Society presents the Sugarplum Victorian Home Tour on Saturday,
Dec. 14, 2024. The self-guided tour will start at the Foreman-Roberts House, 1207 N. Carson St., Carson
City. There are five start times: noon, 12:30 p.m., 1:00 p.m., 1:30 p.m.,
and 2:00 p.m. This year
five or more houses will be on the tour. The cost for the tour is $25 per person. Tickets
may be purchased online in advance at CCHistorical.org (see blue "Buy
now" button, below). Your receipt is your ticket.
For more information, call Liz at 775-315-9111.
Sugarplum Victorian Home Tour
Dec. 14, 2024
Buy now
Photo: TBD
Some Fall Events at CCHS
Posted: Nov. 14, 2024
The Carson City Historical Society is planning several events for this fall:
- Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024 - Christmas Party in the Carriage House, from
1:00 to 3:00 p.m. This will be a potluck event and admission is $25 each. David & Gayle
Woodruff will do a presentation on the TV show "Bonanza."
- Saturday, Dec. 14, 2025 - Sugarplum Victorian Home Tour will be from noon to 4:00 p.m.
Please contact Liz Cain if you wish to have your house on the tour.
- REMINDER: For members who are paying dues on a calendar year basis, dues for 2025 are
due Jan. 1, 2025. You can go to cchistorical/cchsmembership.htm
for membership sign-up and renewal. You can fill out a form and mail it, or you can renew
online by credit card. (All card transactions are secure and encrypted.)
October 2024 Newsletter is Available Online
The October 2024 CCHS Newsletter is available online. In this issue you can read about
four Sunday Open House events, Mike Shaughnessy's talk about the history
of the Nevada Day Parade, and the Oct. 5 "Hallo Wine Walk."
If you are not on our email list, please email your request to be
added to carsoncityhistoricalsociety@gmail.com.
To download the October 2024 Newsletter, please
Historical Society Seeks Volunteers for House Tours
Re-posted: Sept. 27, 2024
The Carson City Historical Society (CCHS) does not currently maintain regular hours due
to a shortage of trained volunteers. CCHS
is asking the public for volunteers to help
give tours of the famous Foreman-Roberts House in Carson City on Sunday afternoons, and
perhaps other days if enough volunteers are available.
This structure is a fine example of Gothic Revival architecture. It was moved from
Old Washoe City to Carson City in the 1870s. After nearly a century of domestic use
in Carson City, it was restored by the Nevada Landmarks Society, predecessor of CCHS,
and now is used to exhibit artifacts related to the history of Carson City and the
building itself.
The CCHS Board generally meets the second Monday of each month at 3:45 p.m.
in the Carriage House at 1207 North
Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada, and the public is welcome. (The Carriage House
is directly behind the Roberts House.)
If you love history, have an interest is meeting new people, planning new displays or
have ideas for history exhibits, we would like to encourage you to contact us. Our website
address is cchistorical.org, and our email address is carsoncityhistoricalsociety@gmail.com.
The Carson City Historical Society is a nonprofit organization that operates and
maintains the Foreman-Roberts House Museum 1207 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV. It also
presents lectures, exhibits, and events.
Photo: Picture of the Foreman-Roberts House, home of the Carson City Historical
Society, as seen from Carson Street.
Want to Become a CCHS Members or Renew Your Yearly Membership?
To renew or join with a printed membership form, obtain it from
To renew or join online via Square, go to our membership page by
clicking HERE.
Mailing Address for CCHS
The mailing address for the Carson City Historical Society
(CCHS) is (once again):
PO Box 1864, Carson City, NV 89702-1864
Carson City, NV 89703
The physical address for the Foreman-Roberts House Museum is 1207 North Carson
St., but that address is not our official mailing address.
The Carson City Historical Society is a Nevada nonprofit organizations. It is
a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporations
under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are
tax deductible pursuant to section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.
CCHS board meetings are generally held the second Monday of each
month at 3:45 p.m. in the
Carriage House of the Foreman-Roberts House Museum.
If you are interested in being put on the CCHS e-mail list, please send an e-mail
to carsoncityhistoricalsociety@gmail.com and put "CCHS Membership Addition" in the subject line.
We will inform you about upcoming events of the Society via e-mail.
The Carson City Historical Society (formerly the Nevada Landmarks Society) is
located at the Roberts House Museum, 1207 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89702.
E-mail carsoncityhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
Foreman-Roberts House - The Foreman-Roberts House Museum is open most Sundays,
by appointment, and for special events sponsored by the
Carson City Historical Society. To tour the Foreman-Roberts House Museum, please call
or leave a message at 775-887-2174 for an appointment.
Messages are checked daily. Cost is $5 per person.
Map for the Foreman-Roberts House
If you would like to join the Carson City Historical Society, our application
is located on this website. Please print out and mail to:
Carson City Historical Society
PO Box 1864 Carson City, NV 89702-1864
Membership is $25 per person
or $35 for family and includes our newsletter plus an opportunity to attend
many historical events. Click here for application form.
For the history of the Foreman-Roberts House, click on Foreman-Roberts House History (on menu, at left) or
Better yet, come and visit us. We have quite a history to tell.
CCHS Officers for 2024
Sue Ballew
First Vice President CCHS:
Liz Cain
Second Vice President CCHS:
Travis Legatzke
David Bugli
Kiyoshi Nishikawa
Membership Chair
Janice Oberding (appointed to Board 6/17/24)
Donna McLaren
Aeryn McQueary (appointed to Board 6/17/24)
This page last updated 11/24/2024