Carson City Historical Society

The Carson City Historical Society (EIN 94-2565777) is located at the Foreman-Roberts House Museum, 1207 North Carson
Street, Carson City, Nevada. Our mailing address is 112 North Curry St., Carson City, NV 89703. The
Carson City Historical Society is a nonprofit organization
that operates and maintains the Foreman-Roberts House Museum.
Carson City Historical Society - Videos
Jonah Bluestain presents a Lecture:
Rhyolite, More than a Ghost Town:
Cultural Resource Management in the Phantom City of Rhyolite, Nevada
Release date: 2/4/2021
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc-P1L41ep4
The Carson City Historical Society presents a lecture by Jonah S. Blustain, BLM Assistant
Field Manager: "More than a Ghost Town: Cultural Resource Management in the Phantom City
of Rhyolite, Nevada."
This lecture was presented on Zoom on January 21, 2021. The ghost
town of Rhyolite, Nevada, is one of the more challenging public resources to manage. The town
was originally the site of a large gold strike in 1904. By 1907, the early tent city had become
a veritable metropolis. Rhyolite had running water, municipal utilities, three railroads, and a
swimming pool. The boom ended as soon as it began, aided by the 1907 financial panic. With no
viable mines, Rhyolite soon became a ghost town. Located on public land adjacent to the town of
Beatty and the main entrance to Death Valley National Park, Rhyolite receives approximately
250,000 visitors per year. The Bureau of Land Management is tasked with managing the town's
historical values and recreational opportunities for future generations. This lecture covered
some of the site's current management challenges, the solutions developed by the BLM, and the
ways the public can get involved in preserving a unique, irreplaceable resource.
The Cocktail and Alcohol Culture of Virginia City,
a lecture by Garrett Barmore
Release date: 2/22/2021
URL: https://youtu.be/ewPEwcNVr5E
The Carson City Historical Society is proud to present its second lecture of 2021, "The Cocktail
and Alcohol Culture of Virginia City." Garrett Barmore discusses the history of several
alcoholic beverages and how they relate to daily life in Virginia City during the mining boom.
He has provided 3 cocktail recipes and a bonus punch recipe, which can be downloaded from the
Society's website at 200218_Garrett_Barmore_recipes_v2.pdf. This lecture was presented on Zoom on
February 18, 2021.
This page last updated 3/13/2021