Carson City Historical Society - Victorian Teas


Mailing address: 112 North Curry St., Carson City, NV 89703
Address for Foreman-Roberts House Museum: 1207 North Carson St., Carson City, NV

"Dedicated to Preserving Carson City's History"


Carson City Historical Society

The Carson City Historical Society (EIN 94-2565777) is located at the Foreman-Roberts House Museum, 1207 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada. Our mailing address is PO Box 1864, Carson City, NV 89702-1864. The Carson City Historical Society is a nonprofit organization that operates and maintains the Foreman-Roberts House Museum.

Carson City Historical Society - Victorian Teas

Picture Table

Pictures from the March, 22, 2025, Victorian Tea
in the Carriage House

Welcome to the Tea Table - Teas, scones, and other goodies available here. All the happy people in the room - About 20 attended.
A view on the right side (east side) of the room. President Liz Cain, in Victorian dress, pours water for our guests. Food and conversation
Rebecca Van Sickle explains some of the aspects of ladies' Victorian garments. Rebecca reveals a little of what's under the dress. My, how many layers?
These pictures were taken at the "Victorian Tea." Tea was served in the Carriage House behind the Foreman-Roberts Historic House on Saturday, March 22, 2025. The event was from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Pictures from the April 27, 2024, Victorian Tea
in the Carriage House

Teapot cake People Sitting in a "U" in the Carriage House
Tea drinkers on the west long table A happy bunch of tea lovers
These pictures were taken at the "Victorian Secrets With Tea." Tea was served in the Carriage House behind the Foreman-Roberts Historic House on Saturday, April 27, 2024. The event was from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

The program includes a talk by Rebecca Van Sickle on Victorian dress called "What They Wore: An Intimate Look At Victorian Dress." After the talk there was a tour of the historic Foreman-Roberts House.

Rebecca Van Sickle in traditional Victorian Dress

This page last updated 3/24/2025

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