Carson City Historical Society

The Carson City Historical Society (EIN 94-2565777) is located at the Foreman-Roberts
House Museum, 1207 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada.
Our mailing address is PO Box 1864, Carson City, NV 89702-1864.
The Carson City Historical Society is a nonprofit organization
that operates and maintains the Foreman-Roberts House Museum.
Carson City Historical Society - Victorian Teas
Picture Table
Pictures from the March, 22, 2025, Victorian Tea
in the Carriage House
Welcome to the Tea Table - Teas, scones, and other goodies available here. |
All the happy people in the room - About 20 attended. |
A view on the right side (east side) of the room. President Liz Cain, in Victorian
dress, pours water for our guests. |
Food and conversation |
Rebecca Van Sickle explains some of the aspects of ladies' Victorian garments. |
Rebecca reveals a little of what's under the dress. My, how many layers? |
These pictures were taken at the "Victorian Tea." Tea was served in
the Carriage House behind the Foreman-Roberts Historic House
on Saturday, March 22, 2025. The event was from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Pictures from the April 27, 2024, Victorian Tea
in the Carriage House
This page last updated 3/24/2025
This website is funded through the Carson City Historical Society.
To report problems, contact the webmaster
or use this e-mail address: Dcbugli@aol.com. Put "CCHS report" in the subject line.